2015년 10월 4일 일요일

Opinion Writing- Children must be banned from having smartphones.

Children must be banned from having smart phones.

Smartphones are multi purposed and convenient tools for adults who cannot grow any smarter than they already are However in case of children, who are growing in physically and mentally, must be banned from having them to prevent smart phone addiction, enhance academic performance and improve health.

Seoul announced last November that one out of every five students residing in Seoul is addicted to smart phones. The figure is part of the results of the survey of 4998 students in the 4th through 11th grades across 75 schools in Seoul who were evaluated over the weeks on a diagnostic scale developed by the National Information Society Agency. Those who were categorized as ‘highly dangerous’ and ‘potentially dangerous’ were considered to be addicted by smart phone. 2.9 percent proved to be ‘highly dangerous’, with 16.1 percent ‘potentially dangerous’ The figure of those smart phone-addicted doubled comparing to the year 2012. Parents must consider this problem seriously.

The longer your child holds his phone, the more problems he will suffer. One of most serious problems is cyber-bullying which is a hot potato these days. As soon as a child is enrolled in a school, he starts to learn how to manage himself to interact with others. However, overuse of SNS or dependency on SNS instead of communicating face to face will make your child cyber-bully others or get bullied. And consequently, your child’s social life will be abnormal. Poor academic performance is another. There are many things that attract your child to abandon his desk, lay down on his bed and just kill time. Games, SNS, videos and so many other things are there to click to entertain your child and even worse, some are fatal to your children. Not only that, these are critical to health. Studies show that users often associate using smart phone with headaches, impaired memory and concentration, fatigue, dizziness and disturbed sleep and all symptoms of radiation sickness.

Some parents allow their children to have smart phones for emergency calls and educational purposes. However, there are alternatives. Non- smart phones are cheaper, healthier and easier to use. Children can also make emergency calls with those. Studying tools such as dictionaries, books and DVD are better choice to make. Still some parents are worried that their children would feel left out or inferior when deprived of  a smart phone. However,  that is not a thing to worry about. Children without it will learn how to have good relationship with others instead of just gazing at the screen, spaced out.

Smart phones are addictive. It is hard to just put off for some time, so the best way to protect our children is to ban “smart phones” from having it and prevent the addiction. Do you love your children? Then take away the deadly weapon from your child so that he can come back to himself. You see, smartphones are 'smart' but smart phone users do not need to grow 'smarter'.

댓글 5개:

  1. I agree with your arguments. I also think people, not only children, should not use smart phones too much. The waves from smart phones can harm people's health. It kills people's brain cells and this causes headaches and poor memories. Maybe you can go on my blog and read my essay that I wrote about effects of using cell phone too much.

  2. I agree with your opinion! Not only children, most of the people in our society are enslaved by smart phone. Does smart phone really make people smart? My answer is NO. It's killing our emotions, relationships, and future.

  3. You are right. Children should go out to play in a playground touching sand, eating Ice-cream and mocking each other. I have never regretted spending my childhood with friends running around my town :D

  4. I like your article! When children are young, to build healthy mind and body, hanging out with friends in real world is really important, and I will consider to ban a cell phone to my child in the future kkkk

  5. I agree with you, children, they can hang out with their friends or family in outdoors, not indoors doing smart phones. It causes their bad eyesight even in very young age, and it's not good for mental health. In my case, I just got my smart phones in 2013, which means the starting year of my university life.
